Following the booming success of the unforgettable “Bab El Ezz” Sohour, Invest-Gate asked its honorable guests of high profile developers about their insights on the event’s cause to support leprosy patients. Here are what they said:
“We previously tried to help lepers, but we did not manage to continue that for so long. When Invest-Gate proposed this initiative, we were really excited to join and we are willing to continue supporting it. The main challenge is the existence of a trusted body to raise funds and it is now Invest-Gate.”
“We are thankful to Invest-Gate for organizing such a great and important event, and we would love our company to partake in the rehabilitation of patients to feel part of and integrate in the society once again. We wish our contribution results in a successful recovery of all patients.”
“We participate this year in supporting leprosy patients out of our belief that we should all collaborate to enhance their medical and social situation, and to help them live a normal life.”
“One of our important values at City Edge Developments is community participation. For this reason, we devoted high attention to Invest-Gate’s invitation to support lepers and put an end to leprosy in Egypt. It’s a very good opportunity for us to be part of this initiative and make Egypt free of leprosy.”
“I would like to thank Invest-Gate for this generous initiative and its call to look after lepers, as they are highly marginalized in the society.”
“Invest-Gate is playing a significant role in supporting lepers, and we were keen on joining forces to give back to the community.”
“Once Invest-Gate proposed this initiative’s idea to Rooya Group, we got so excited out of our conviction that the Leper Colony is a marginalized part of the Egyptian society that deserves every single aid to no longer feel ostracized.”
“Invest-Gate’s initiative to improve lepers’ lives is not something unfamiliar for the magazine’s teamwork.”
“We are grateful for Invest-Gate for giving Madaar such an opportunity to be part of this charitable initiative and support lepers in the holy month of Ramadan.”
“We would like to thank Invest-Gate for its initiative to treat lepers in Egypt. We, at EgyGab, are honored to be one of the developers who strongly support this initiative.”
“Leprosy is a disease that its psychological pain causes more harm than its physical one. The community should highlight their struggle to spread the awareness of this merciless disease. Invest-Gate’s initiative came as the first of its kind to support lepers and their families, taking away their suffering and helping them live a peaceful life.”
“We, at Pact, are glad of Invest-Gate’s initiative to support lepers so as not to feel apart from the community and be able to effectively contribute to the society.”
“Why support such events as Invest-Gate’s initiative? The answer is simply that it is in our culture, our upbringing, and our nature to support any venture or activity which will somehow benefit those underprivileged, if only for the purpose of feeling good about it.”
Find more quotes by Bab El Ezz’s Sohour participants on pages no. 14, 15 at our June issue