Lafarge Egypt, Ostool Convert Trucks to Run on Natural Gas

Lafarge Egypt, Ostool Convert Trucks to Run on Natural Gas

Lafarge Egypt, a member of Holcim Group, works with Ostool for Land Transportation, a subsidiary of Raya Holding for Financial Investments (RAYA), to convert all Ostool trucks serving Lafarge to operate on natural gas in order to reduce carbon footprint, and promote sustainable development, Invest-Gate reports.

Jimmy Khan, CEO of Lafarge Egypt, says that the company seeks to find solutions and implement them through its work. Lafarge also believes in the vitality of environmental sustainability and fighting climate change in order to achieve Holcim’s vision.

Karim Hassan, logistics and supply chain director of Lafarge Egypt, states, “Our role is indispensable in reducing Greenhouse gases through adopting a green strategy in our factories and supply chain.”

Also, Hassan explains that converting vehicles to natural gas is vital for its numerous economic and eco-friendly returns, including low emissions because it lacks sulfuric impurities and lead compounds, and lower CO2 remaining from combustion. Additionally, it achieves better engine performance and cuts wear rates, extending the life expectancy of engine parts.

For his part, Tamer Badrawi, CEO of Ostool Logistics says that Ostool promotes green initiatives in its plans for the near future. Likewise, the company works on converting all its 300 trucks in all fields to operate on natural gas.

The land transportation sector is responsible for 18% of the total emissions caused by human activity. Alternatively, converting to natural gas cuts CO2 emissions by 13%, making natural gas one of the safest and cleanest fuels with no harmful emissions, especially in the fields of transportation and logistics.


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