ATRIC Developments, a leading real estate company with over 25 years of experience, proudly announces the early delivery of units at its prestigious project, BOHO Sokhna, Invest-Gate reports.
ATRIC Developments announces the high turnout for the company's pavilion at Cityscape Egypt, which took place at the Egypt International Exhibition Center during September 21st and 24th, Invest-Gate reports.
ATRIC Developments presents various projects, special offers, and competitive prices during Cityscape Egypt 2022, Invest-Gate reports.
ATRIC Developments announces the acceleration of construction rates of its flagship BOHO project in Ain Sokhna reaching 70%, Invest-Gate reports.
ATRIC Developments participates in Egypt Gate Expo with two projects, namely, BOHO ElSokhna and Boardwalk New Capital, Invest-Gate reports.
Atric Developments CCO, Mohamed Khattab, discloses the launch of the second phase of the Resort Boho El Sokhna project under the name, Riveri, which consists of standalone villas and townhouses directly on the sea ...
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