Egypt's transport ministry is currently undertaking the expansion of the Ring Road around Greater Cairo, with costs totaled at EGP 7.3 bn, aiming to help in trimming down traffic jams on the metropolitan area's mo ...
Orascom Construction (OC) has reported consolidated new awards of USD 599.2 mn (EGP 9.5 bn) in Q1 2020, compared to USD 480.7 mn (EGP 7.6 bn) in the corresponding period last year.
New Urban Communities Authority Communities' (NUCA) Vice President Kamal Bahgat said 5,800 social housing units in Sadat City had reached an execution rate of 75%.
Suez Governor Abdel Mageed Saqar and Executive Director of the Informal Settlements Development Fund (ISDF) Khaled Siddiq have inked cooperation agreement to revitalize 15 slums in Suez.
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar has announced that phase I of Badr City's Sakan Misr middle-income project, which comprises 1,272 apartments, reached a completion rate of 96%. ...
The government is working on developing a total of 26,064 residential units in New Cairo's Sakan Misr and JANNA public housing projects, with investments estimated at EGP 9 bn
Hassan Allam Holding’s (HAH) subsidiary Intech kicked off the new year with seven new contracts for various infrastructure works nationwide.
State-run Administrative Capital of Urban Development (ACUD) and Egypt's mobile network operator Orange Egypt have teamed up to set up Africa's largest data center for cloud services in the New Administrative Capi ...
Assistant Vice-Chairman of New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) Gamal Talaat said the upgrading of New Cairo's Obour Axis is underway, which connects 90 Road to Ain Sokhna Road, with investments worth EGP 170 mn ...
The Egyptian government agreed on January 5 to undertake extensive renovation works at downtown and south Mansoura, with costs estimated at EGP 250 mn, intending for completion by next year.
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