Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar said the volume of investments pumped into Shorouk City mark about EGP 3 bn, stressing that 4,416 social housing units have been finalized, wit ...
Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly opened on September 19 the Investor Service Center (ISC) in Port Said, endeavoring to eliminate the bottlenecks investors face when starting up new businesses.
Qalyubia Governorate is witnessing the implementation of three potable water projects, with a total added capacity of 217,000 cubic meters per day, at a cost of EGP 513 mn
West Assiut's Nasser City will witness the finalization of 1,584 social housing units, together with 1,440 apartments in the city’s Sakan Misr medium-income project, by next December
Multidisciplinary design consultancy Khatib & Alami (K&A) has been named the lead government transaction advisor on the construction, financing, and operations of the planned USD 4.5 bn monorail project, linking e ...
Minya's 24-kilometer-long Samalout Axis, which entails establishing 30 bridges and 17 tunnels, and is part of seven axes being carried out over the Nile River at a total cost of EGP 9.5 bn, is set to be finalized ...
Egypt’s Planning Minister Hala El-Saeed said the government has allocated investments totaled at EGP 15.4 bn for the local development program in FY 2019/20.
Scatec Solar has grid-connected and commenced commercial operation for its fifth 65-megawatt solar plant in Egypt, growing the Norwegian company’s total output nationwide to 325 megawatts.
Egypt’s housing ministry is implementing five new potable water and sanitation projects in Ismailia Governorate, with investments worth EGP 473 mn, aiming to suffice 260,000 locals.
American investment bank Morgan Stanley indicates that Egypt’s reform program, including EGP flotation and successive rounds of subsidy cuts, alongside public investment in infrastructure, energy, and various mega ...
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