Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar announced a two-month extension period for applicants who applied for the residential units previously provided in a number of new cities to co ...
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar said 437,000 housing units have been implemented in 2019, varying between social, middle-income, and luxurious properties.
Egypt's Ministry of Housing has partnered with Al-Tameer Maintenance Services for Social Housing Company to take over all the facility management duties of 200,000 social housing units nationwide, particularly in ...
The New Urban Communities Authority awarded on November 7 an EGP 317.3 mn contract to Giza General Contracting and Real Estate Investment Company for conducting some remaining utility works in New Aswan.
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar said the volume of investments pumped into Shorouk City mark about EGP 3 bn, stressing that 4,416 social housing units have been finalized, wit ...
The Ministry of Housing handed over on September 28 the first batch of social housing units in New Aswan to beneficiaries, presenting 1,506 out of the total 3,951 properties allocated to low-income citizens.
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar said 1,656 social housing units have been completed in New Fayoum, with 50 apartments already delivered to the beneficiaries.
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Assem El Gazzar said 1,632 social housing units, within 68 buildings, are 70% completed in New Akhmim, Sohag Governorate, as part of the state's efforts to pro ...
West Assiut's Nasser City will witness the finalization of 1,584 social housing units, together with 1,440 apartments in the city’s Sakan Misr medium-income project, by next December
West Cairo's New October City and October Gardens will shortly have a total of 147,680 social housing units completed, as part of the state's social housing project, which aims to provide adequate, affordable home ...
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